Eco’PRISME® has joined La French Faba community of industrialists committed to making French industry shine. But do you know this community? what are its values, ambitions, and goals?

Do you know this community?

La French Fab is a community of French industrialists launched in 2017 to promote and support the country's manufacturing industry. La French Fab brings together large industrial groups, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), start-ups and academic institutions to foster innovation and growth in the industrial sector.

La French Fab is based on three main planks: Innovation, digitalisation, and internationalisation. These planks reflect the challenges facing French industry, as well as the opportunities offered by new technologies and global markets.

What are its values, ambitions, and goals?

One of the main objectives of La French Fab is to promote innovation in the industrial sector. This includes the development of new products, processes and business models that can improve the competitiveness of French industry. French Fab supports companies that develop innovative solutions, offering them access to financing, expertise, and networking opportunities.

La French Fab also focuses on digitalisation, i.e. The use of digital technologies to transform the manufacturing process. Digitisation can help companies optimise production processes, reduce costs, and improve product quality. French Fab supports companies developing new digital solutions, such as automation, robotics, and data analysis.

La French Fab, valeurs et objectifs

Presence of French companies on world markets

Finally, La French Fab promotes internationalisation, which is to say the expansion of French manufacturing companies on world markets. La French Fab provides support to companies looking to export their products and services to other countries, including access to international networks, trade missions and business development support.

La French Fab has already had a significant impact on the French manufacturing industry. Since its launch in 2017, La French Fab has more than 5,000 members including 3 000 SMEs. These companies have created more than 100,000 jobs in France and generated more than 15 billion euros in turnover.

Knowledge sharing and collaboration

One of the main strengths of La French Fab is its focus on collaboration and networking. La French Fab provides a platform for companies to connect, share knowledge and expertise, and collaborate on projects. This has led to the creation of new partnerships and alliances between companies, which have helped to stimulate innovation and growth in the manufacturing sector.

Promoting Made in France

La French Fab has also succeeded in promoting the image of French manufacturing both nationally and internationally. La French Fab has organised numerous events and campaigns to publicise the strengths and capabilities of the French industry, including the "Made in France” label. This has helped to create a more positive perception of French manufacturing and to attract investment and talent to the sector.

La French Fab: les entreprises françaises innovantes

In conclusion:

French Fab is a community of French industrialists that promotes innovation, digitalisation and internationalisation of the manufacturing sector. By fostering collaboration, networking, and knowledge sharing, La French Fab contributes to creating a more competitive and dynamic manufacturing industry in France. the success of La French Fab is already being felt throughout the country and should continue to have a positive impact on the French economy in the years to come.


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